Locomotive Diagnostic Tools

Brake Interface Unit(BIU)

BIU interfaces with DPWCS for pneumatic brake control of slave consists from the master. The driver’s demanded brake pressure is captured from the master and transmitted to the slave. The slave resolves the reference value received as digital data over the radio is translated back to the BP demand and apply to IRAB system of slave consists. The braking action takes place accordingly. The BIU is universal type able to interface KAVACH (TCAS),DPCS, DPWCS, TSS etc. BIU has two units viz. (i) Electronic Unit and (ii) Pneumatic Unit

Brake Electronic Unit

Brake Interface Unit

Brake Electronic Unit is a micro controller based System which directly communicates and controls pneumatic unit.It has 4 CAN Interface for KAVACH DPWCS, DPCS and TSS .

Brake Pneumatic Unit

Brake Interface Unit

The Brake Pneumatic Unit interacts with the IRAB brake system to manage A9 and SA9 brake systems, and feeds Target BP and Target BC to the IRAB brake system

Brake Interface Unit (BIU)

Brake Interface Unit (BIU)

Brake Interface Unit is the unit that takes the Brake and pressure value as input in master mode and injects the master brake value in slave mode. There are two processor modules in the BIU viz. BRAKE MAIN and BRAKE SENTINAL. BRAKE_MAIN does all the controlling function where as the BRAKE SENTINAL monitors the brake status.